Be Wonderful


Me and Lysanne at Back Lake Park

Indeed, my solo trip (from Oct 27 to Nov 16, Shenzhen – Beijing – Shanghai – Suzhou – Nanjing – Wu Town – Hangzhou – Shenzhen), has been a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Almost every day, there was a story to tell.


On the second day in Beijing, my phone was stolen at a packed metro station. It was so crowded that I couldn’t even move my backpack from my back to my front while taking the long escalator with a big suitcase. I knew the phone was gone forever, and I knew it was useless to look for the police. Anyway, I did run to the police office inside the station. There was only one policeman. He said they couldn’t turn back the video, so he couldn’t do anything. I was speechless. But in a second thought, what possibly could he have done for it? After all, I am no grand daughter of Chairman Mao. So for a night and a half day, it was like hell. I couldn’t even taste any food. When closing my eyes, it was all that bloody same scene in the station. 

However, no pain, no gain. The next day, by chance, I met a Canadian Independent Film-maker. We were like the powder into water, getting along so well and so easily. I helped her buy an SD card, she bought me beer in a bar; while having dinner at a seafood restaurant, she made a film of me talking about my life and I listened to more about her. After dinner, we  were both in a hurry for a pee. Finally we found a public toilet with two young girls squatting above the holes, playing on their phones. There was no door, no fence but only toilet holes. We both burst out laughing…

Afterwards, we went to look for cigarettes. In the end, the shop owner gave us a cigarette for free. And we shared it and satisfied. Now we are already like old friends.

The day after, I met a Chinese woman painter.IMG_4360 We climbed to Mutianyu The Great Wall together. Here are some photos to share.


PS: So far this is just the start of the trip. Sorry, I have been too busy lately to post here. I am planning another trip to my hometown soon. I want to explore something original from some neighbouring villages before the high speed train starts construction. So I am afraid I won’t post much here, but I will when I can. Still big thank you for liking, commenting and following my blogs.